Our team of event planners and conference management is curating data-driven and successful events. We are a profound team of database managers and industry experts to protect client confidentiality and other security concerns. Our internal team brainstorms and analyzes the results to publish meaningful data and outcomes. Our past event management projects were clear proof of our virtue and a certain extent of learning and inspiration.
eTechLogix works as an Event management or conference management service provider to boost ROI (Return on Investment). We mix the best of technology and marketing practices to demonstrate the expected outcome. No matter how big or small a conference is, we can cater to the exact level of service or support.
The client requires the web application to organize the virtual conference and public events. So, we build a complete solution product to provide RSVP'd events OR public events. The web App includes the 3D virtual conference capabilities, broadcasting events on other platforms such as Vimeo, youtube through Zoom, or Webex.